Hello! My name is Franz. My style is classic and timeless, with an intimate and soft touch. I believe that your wedding photos should be works of art, elegant and romantic.
In Paris, beauty is everywhere—walking along the Seine or passing by its iconic landmarks, you can feel the arts breathing through the very streets. Every detail seems to tell a story, a reminder that here, beauty is not just admired; it’s a way of life.
Some people are born with extraordinary gifts—prodigies who compose symphonies, paint masterpieces, write novels that move us to tears. And thank goodness for them. But others, like me, stumble upon their passions later in life, discovering an art form and striving to nurture it with dedication. My goal is simple: to make the world just a little more beautiful.
My perspective on beauty wouldn’t be complete without the influence of my Japanese mother. Through her, I discovered Japanese art, which is an invitation to slow down, savor the moment, and uncover poetry in the smallest details.
In Paris, beauty is everywhere—walking along the Seine or passing by its iconic landmarks, you can feel the arts breathing through the very streets. Every detail seems to tell a story, a reminder that here, beauty is not just admired; it’s a way of life.
Of everything I’ve created, my family is what I’m proudest of. I’ve spent over a third of my life with Julia, the love of my life, and together we’ve built a life around our three incredible children: Gloria, Paul, and Lily. We treasure the little things—reading stories together, cooking meals, playing board games, and exploring the beauty of France and Europe.
My perspective on beauty wouldn’t be complete without the influence of my Japanese mother. Through her, I discovered Japanese art, which is an invitation to slow down, savor the moment, and uncover poetry in the smallest details.
It celebrates a kind of humble beauty—not meant to dazzle, but to soothe and inspire. From a young age, I was deeply touched by this philosophy and the Japanese reverence for the ephemeral. Even now, when I visit my mother’s homeland, I’m in awe of the meticulous attention to detail, a quiet art form all its own.
Of everything I’ve created, my family is what I’m proudest of. I’ve spent over a third of my life with Julia, the love of my life, and together we’ve built a life around our three incredible children: Gloria, Paul, and Lily. We treasure the little things—reading stories together, cooking meals, playing board games, and exploring the beauty of France and Europe.